Kidneys, Ureter Bladder (KUB)
Ultrasound Scan
Areas/ Organs Covered

What's included?
- Ultrasound assessment of the renal system including kidneys and bladder
- Instant Verbal Results summary with Written Medical report in 48 hours
- Detect problems before they become troubles
- GP referral not required
- Performed by qualified medical ultrasound specialists
What is the objective of this scan?
The purpose of this ultrasound is to assess the renal system including kidneys and bladder.
Possible reasons for this scan include:
This scan is performed for a wide range of reasons some of which include:
- Pain
- Abnormal kidney functions tests
- Assess for growths or structural changes
- Discomfort
- Kidney Stones
- Water Retention (Hydronephrosis)
- Weak Bladder (Urinary Incontinence)
- Inflammation
- Polyps
- Cysts
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
- Pelvis pain
- Renal /kidney pain
- Severe renal infection
- Blood in urine (haematuria)
What is included with this scan?
A written ultrasound report of the examination including any measurements within 24-28 hours after your appointment.
Why choose us?
We pride ourselves on providing the best quality service we can which is why we are trusted by GP’s, doctors, physiotherapists, midwifes and many other healthcare professionals.
Our mission of better-quality healthcare for everyone really sets us apart from the vast majority of other clinics and is the main reason why we are amongst the few diagnostic clinics to not only be approved by but also provide services to the NHS and thus the general public. This also means that unlike many other clinics we have additional strict quality control measures which we must adhere to meaning you are in safe hands with us and our team.

Who will I see?
You will be seen by a healthcare professional who specialises in clinical medical ultrasound. Unlike other diagnostic tests which produce results for analysis, ultrasound imaging is “real- time” therefore the quality of the scan being performed is the basis of the information you take away and heavily depends upon the expertise, experience and skill of the healthcare professional scanning you. This is an important point which is often overlooked by many people when deciding where to go, therefore you can be reassured that at Ultrasound Scan Clinic at St Mary’s Medical Centre you will always be seen by an expert who has vast expertise and experience in the field of medical ultrasound.

What does the scan involve?
During the scan you will be asked to uncover your abdominal & back area and a small amount of jelly will be placed over your skin. An ultrasound camera will then be placed on top and moved along your abdomen. This will result in a picture appearing on the ultrasound monitor and patient TV which will be translated by a medical ultrasound practitioner. The examination itself usually lasts around 10-15 minutes and is pain free. At the end of the examination a brief explanation of the results may be offered. A formal ultrasound scan report with any recommendations will be sent to you which you can take to your regular healthcare professional.
How do I prepare for this scan?
- A full bladder is required for this scan – Please drink 1 litre of fluid approximately 30 minutes or so before your scheduled appointment and please try your best not to empty your bladder before the examination.
- You can eat as normal.
- You may also maintain your normal medication.
KUB Scan: Background
The kidneys & renal system is commonly a source of many problems, some of which can be detected by a simple abdominal KUB scan. This scan is often requested by physicians at the very early stages following a complaint or abnormal test results such as a blood test and can provide valuable & vital information. Often time is of the essence in many health conditions and seeking early medical advice & services may allow for better outcomes.
Many of our clients choose to book an ultrasound scan with us after having been referred for a scan in the NHS by their GP however are unwilling to wait for a scan appointment within the NHS, which can be many weeks. Going privately bypasses this allowing quicker & more convenient appointments & faster results.
We offer flexible & convenient appointments suited around you and your life with clinics running during the day, evening and weekends.
Ultrasound: Background
An ultrasound scan is a painless test that provides images of the inside of the body by using high frequency sound waves. These sound waves are at a frequency which cannot be heard by the human ear but when they bounce off different parts of the body, create echoes that are picked up by the probe and turned into a moving image.
Unlike other scans such as MRI and CT, ultrasound does not involve radiation and is in real time i.e. live imaging and is not static i.e. still pictures. This live information is interpreted and is used as the basis of the subsequent diagnostic report.
There are many kinds of ultrasound scans that can be performed as ultrasound has numerous applications in healthcare and are ultimately beneficial to us if used in the right context by a competent body or person. However as with any test, ultrasound scans have limitations some of which are generic to all scans such as not being able to visualise bone clearly or scan specific and therefore may not be suitable in certain situations and like any test cannot diagnose every problem.